Worship Leader Gold - First Month Free

First Month FREE, then only $99/month

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Product Description

An Exclusive, Private Network for Worship Leaders who Expect Great Things From God and are Willing to Attempt Great Things for God!

Introducing Worship Leader Gold!

When I arrived in New York City in 2002 to help start The Journey Church, I honestly didn't know how to be a Worship Pastor. I didn’t have a godly Worship Pastor mentor to share their “ministry gold” with me. You know . . . those lessons you can only learn after years in ministry, like how to:

  • Develop my leadership potential
  • Balance my ministry and family life without sacrificing either
  • Make peace with my pastor when things aren’t going well
  • Break the stressful cycle of week-to-week thinking
  • Deal with difficult volunteers
  • Manage my time and my to-do list so I could actually make it home for dinner

A little “ministry gold” would have gone a long way toward preventing some serious stumbles and pain.

So – when I started Worship Leader Insights in 2006 . . . when I released my first resource . . . started my first Coaching Network . . . wrote my first article and had my first book published . . . I did so with the idea of sharing the systems, principles and ideas that God has blessed in over a decade of “hand-to-the-plow” ministry at The Journey in one of the most difficult areas of the country.

And that's exactly what Worship Leader Gold is about.

Worship Leader Gold is a group of passionate, cut-against-the-grain, discontent-with-average, motivated-for-ministry, what-are-we-waiting-for Worship Leaders who want to have a growing and healthy ministry and personal life.

Every month, through our Leadership Briefing and Equipping Calls, I will help you develop the habits of a healthy and growing worship leader as we tackle topics like:

  • Personal and professional growth
  • Worship Team Health and Growth
  • Advanced Planning
  • Healthy Worship Ministry Systems
  • Becoming a better spouse and parent
  • Fulfilling your calling as a minister
  • Stress Management and emotional strength
  • And so much more

WORSHIP LEADER GOLD is a monthly subscription MEMBERSHIP program that includes:

  1. The Worship Leader Gold LIVE MONTHLY UPDATE AND LEADERSHIP BRIEFING. At the heart of the network is a monthly update and briefing from me via LIVE Conference Call. This monthly "pastor to pastor" call (which will be recorded on MP3 for your library) will be a personal, practical, packed-with-content training where I will challenge you, enlighten you, equip you and guide you to maximize your next season of ministry.

    With the Worship Leader Gold Monthly Update and Briefing, you'll always be one step ahead in your planning and fully inspired and equipped to lead your worship ministry at the highest level ($199.00 per month value).
  2. Monthly Equipping Interview/Conference Call - with me, Nelson Searcy, one of our mentors, a noted author or ministry leader - previous interviews include Steve Stroope, Larry Osborne, Patrick Lencioni, Tim Stevens and more. Listen live when you can, and you'll receive an MP3 recording each month ($195.00 per month value).
  3. Two practical, nuts-and-bolts CD's sent directly to your mailbox each month. Even if you can't make the live briefing or equipping calls - we'll be sure you don't miss a thing each month.
  4. Monthly bonus mail package to help you stay on track and ahead of the calendar. This monthly kit will be mailed to you, including recordings, transcripts, members-only opportunities, event invitations and more!

  5. Private Call-In-Hours where you can talk directly to Jason ($295.00 per month value).
  6. FREE Church Growth Champions newsletter, featuring pioneers of church growth and evangelism to inspire you and your ministry

  7. NEW - Monthly Book Summaries for the duration of your membership. Your Worship Leader Gold membership includes a complimentary subscription to the leading executive summary service for pastors for no extra charge - that's 30 book summaries per year ($379.00 per year value).
  8. FREE "Growth Points" Newsletter written by Church Growth expert Dr. Gary McIntosh. You will be able to keep up with the latest research and learnings on church growth and church health.
  9. RESTRICTED ACCESS Online Membership Site/Blog/Resources ($99.00 per month value). You'll have instant access to all your Worship Leader Gold benefits, documents, recordings, etc. in your online Worship Leader Gold hub.
  10. Continually Updated WORSHIP LEADER GOLD RESOURCE DOCUMENTS AND DIRECTORY ($399.00 per month value). If there's a document that we use at The Journey or that is shared by someone else in the network (and I think its helpful) I'll share it with you.
  11. Members-Only 30% DISCOUNT on all Worship Leader Insights and Church Leader Insights Resources ($245.00 value).
  12. FREE Webinar Access to all Church Leader Insights and Worship Leader Insights Webinars ($197.00 per month value).
  13. NETWORK ONLY rates on Coaching Networks and Advanced Coaching Networks ($141.00 per month value). As a member of Worship Leader Gold, you'll be able to enter a future 12-Month Worship Pastor Tele-Coaching Network or put a staff member through one of our other networks at the lowest possible rate.
  14. Lowest Event Registration Rate for all Church Leader Insights and Worship Leader Insights Events ($100.00 per month value), including upcoming Renegade Pastors Conferences and Church Systems Bootcamps.
  15. $595.00 SHOPPING SPREE Gift Certificate upon completion of your sixth month in the Network ($99.00 per month value)
  16. $813.20 in FREE Resources when you join today! These resources will be waiting for you in yourWorship Leader Gold Online Hub within two hours of the time you join - you can start taking advantage of these resources immediately!

Total value of resources and training you receive exceed $2,667.00 per month.

But this exclusive network is far more than just the resources you receive. The focus it provides for your ministry and the ideas and insights in your life are simply priceless.

About Jason Hatley and Worship Leader Insights

In 2002, Jason Hatley helped launch The Journey Church in New York City, directing the programming of their worship services. He serves as the Pastor of Worship Arts and built from scratch The Journey's worship arts team, a group of over 200 artists and technicians who develop and implement the creative and technical elements at weekly Sunday services. The Journey has been recognized as one of Outreach Magazines fastest growing and most creative churches.

Jason has been a worship leader since 1996. He invests in Worship Pastors around the country through interactive coaching networks and worship planning resources. He has been a featured break-out speaker at the Willow Creek Arts Conference, The Purpose Drive Worship Conference, as well as seminars around the country. He has a B.M. in Sacred Music Performance from Appalachian State University.

Jason is the author of Engage: A Guide to Creating Life-Transforming Worship Services and Revolve: A New Way to See Worship as well as over a dozen worship leader personal and ministry growth resources.