When Volunteers Say No (Boxed CD Set) Save 50%

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It all comes down to knowing what to do when a volunteer says no. I want to teach you that in my brand new resource.

But before I tell you what you will learn, let me tell you what I do not suggest. I don't suggest you ignore the no and keep asking.

I'm not talking about disrespecting your volunteers, not listening to them or manipulating them in any way (in fact, you know me and you know that I am deeply committed to church health . . . that is, healthy sheep in my congregation. I'm driven to lead a healthy growing church. Never harm the sheep is one of my pastor mantras . . . but I digress).

What I am talking about is a compassionate pastoral skill to know what to do when a volunteer says no.

I want to teach you new skills in this new resource. Here's a sample of what you will learn:

  • What does the “No” really mean? (in this resource I'll explain the eight types of “No's” and how each one demands a unique response).
  • What can you do to pastor that person to the next level, even though they just said “No” to the one thing you were asking.
  • How to use the “No” to deepen your pastoral connection with the person so they know you really care about them.
  • How to handle your own personal feelings about receiving a “No” (yes, it stings) and look beyond that and see the spiritual growth potential in that “No.”
  • How to help someone grow, mature and become more like Christ even if they say 'no' to the specific thing you are asking them to do.
  • The eight different types of “No's” (from “Nah” to “Not now/Not ever”) and the specific strategies and pastoral skills you can use for each one (to think that every “No” is the same is foolish).
  • Why sometimes you are not the right person to be asking volunteers to serve . . . and how to find just the person to do it (yes, you have to do a lot of asking yourself, but don't do it all yourself).
  • I'll deliver some hard truths to you (i.e., maybe you aren't getting “Yes's” because God knows you aren’t ready yet) but I'll also show you specific steps you can take to grow to the next level.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg of what I cover in this three-hour resource. Here's even more of what we will cover:

  • I will also help you know how to clarify each and every “ask” so you are less likely to get a “No” (people say “No” to what's confusing).
  • I will help you develop a pre-ask plan + how to be ready for whatever answer they give you (planning is a leader’s best friend).
  • How to build more confidence (and, dare I say it, authority) in making asks and in handling responses.
  • How to deal with the feelings and pain we all feel when we get a “No” (as a pastor, it hurts when people don’t do what we know is good for them, doesn’t it?).
  • I will help you approach each volunteer as a unique person and ask appropriately (and, if it happens, how handle their “No” uniquely). Beware of any “one size fits all” approaches to volunteers.
  • How to prepare for the conversation so you get minor agreements that lead to the right “Yes.”
  • I'll encourage you and your team to keep on asking (that sounds like something Jesus told us we should do) even if you have to deal with a few “No's.”
  • I'll show you my exact system for asking and how you can apply it in your church.
  • Which method — like phone call, conversation, sms text or emails — is best for asking and, more importantly, when NOT to use certain methods.
  • I'll show you how “No” is sometimes the best response because there’s something more spiritually important that God has for you and the person you are talking to.
  • I'll teach you what I call the “chain of salvation” — a powerful image that you need to understand and teach to every volunteer. This alone is worth your investment in this resource!

Are you ready to secure this resource and gain new wisdom to help your people grow?

Say YES to growth and health. Say YES for your volunteers. Say YES to investing in yourself and developing these skills that can be easily learned.

Make the investment in yourself, your church and your volunteers.

Secure this new resource today.

There's always a reason to delay but let me challenge you to secure your resource now.


One, there's an urgency to this resource because Fall is just around the corner and that's prime volunteer recruitment time.

Two, as part of the New Release process for this resource I'm offering a special discount that WILL go away (In the past, I've had people upset with me because they fail to act quickly and then have to invest more later on). Your investment in this resource now will never be lower.

Three, there's a ton of fast action bonuses to complement the resource and help you with this issue. These too will go away very soon. See below for full details.

Your need for volunteers is now. The need for this resource is now. Let me challenge you to take action now.

And you will also notice, that with the resource you can secure a test drive of my Renegade Pastors Network (you will be rewarded for giving it a full test drive) but you can also choose to decline the network. It's your call.

I want you to have this resource and use it! The teachings I give you have taken me years to learn and I'm glad to have learned them. I'm a better pastor and leader because of these lessons. My volunteers are glad I know these lessons.

And what has taken me years to learn, I can teach you in a few hours.

Let's keep growing together.

Questions? Contact us @ +1 (561) 921-8488 or by email [email protected]

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