The Systems Seminar Package (Boxed CD Set) Save 61%

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Maximize the potential of your church to reach and disciple more people more effectively with these eight three-CD Systems Seminars by Nelson Searcy.

Over $1,649.00 value for only $649.95!

A Savings of over $900.00!

  • Double and Grow Your Volunteers With:
    The Ministry Seminar ($199.95 value)
  • Plan, Implement and Evaluate Life-Transforming Worship Services Every Week With:
    The Worship Planning Seminar
    ($199.95 value)
  • Reach More People With:
    The Evangelism Seminar
    ($199.95 value)
  • Turn First-Time Guests Into Fully-Engaged Members of Your Church With:
    The Assimilation Seminar
    ($249.95 value)
  • Get 100% Participation in Your Small Groups With:
    The Small Groups Seminar
    ($199.95 value)
  • Turn First-Time Givers into Extravagant Givers With:
    The Stewardship Seminar
    ($199.95 value)
  • Discover The Steps That Move You From Where You Are to Where God Wants You to Be With:
    The Strategy Seminar
    ($199.95 value)
  • Develop your Leadership Skills With
    Leadership Skills for a Growing Church ($199.95 Value)


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Dr. John Newland Nelson,

Today, I am rendering honor to whom honor is due.

Yesterday, we had our annual Fall Creek Family Festival, one of our major outreach events to the community. Before I tell you how it went, I want to set the stage a bit.

* We used many of your strategies for EVANGELISM that are contained in your book Ignite . By attending your coaching network, I had advance notice of some of your systems to help us plan our event.

First, we saturated our community with "air cover," which included: yard signs, newspaper ads (NOT in the religious section), Radio Disney ads and TV ads (not religious stations).

Second, we sent our people out as ground troops to target "unchurched" people. We equipped them with conversation starters and invitation pieces to invest in the lives of irreligious people and invite them to a totally FREE (more on that in a moment) and FUN environment.

* We used many of your strategies for STEWARDSHIP from your systems to cultivate extravagant givers to sponsor this event.

First, we gave people the vision and asked them to come on board to financially support the effort to reach our community with an evangelistic touch.

Second, we involved our people in coming up with ways to "give" that went beyond strict financial gifts.

* We used many of your strategies for ASSIMILATION that are contained in your book Fusion .

First, we employed a small army of greeters and guides to help people from the street outside our property to their first fun-filled activity with smiles and seamless handoffs.

Second, we used your "Connection Card" method to capture enough information to get to know people, but not so much that people were overwhelmed or reticent to "let us into their lives a bit."

* We used many of your strategies for MINISTRY from your systems to generate a work force to have great fun and provide meaningful service.

First, we put a team leader in charge of the event who has demonstrated giftedness and has a passion for this type of ministry.

Second, we coached her (only a bit) to divide the task into manageable chunks with team leaders serving in their area of passion and giftedness.

Third, we provided meaningful service opportunities for EVERYONE from 6th grade to 80 years old.

* We used many of your strategies for WORSHIP ministry from your systems to focus people for six weeks leading up to this day.

First, we set our calendar months in advance (didn't learn about annual planning until we were six months out of this event, but we worked hard to play catch-up).

Second, we designed a sermon series that would systematically prepare people to launch out for a harvest in the Kingdom of God.

* We used many of your strategies for SMALL GROUPS contained in your book Activate to reinforce the need for unified service to our church and community.

First, each small group was assigned the task of coming up with a unique and significant giveaway for our guests.

Second, each small group "sponsored" an area of ministry to provide oversight responsibility for pre-event projects, during event projects, and post event projects.

* We used many of your strategies for LEADERSHIP from your systems to keep our people on target for the purpose of our event.

First, our leaders defined the purpose of the event and the sub-purposes of each constituent part of the process, by forging agreements beforehand to prevent disagreements during the "game."

Second, we had enough meetings to provide adequate communication, but not so many that we were micro-managing the key players.

* We used many of your strategies for STRATEGIC SYSTEMS from your systems to set us up for real, quantifiable data for strategic improvement for our next event.

First, we set up a way to track our outreach strategies with the Connection Card.

Second, we had pre-production meetings that went back to our previous events and thoroughly examined what we liked and what we didn?t like about other events and strategized how to get what we wanted through metrics rather than just have an event with no way of knowing what happened.

Our average worship attendance for the six weeks leading up to our event was: 263.

The flu took away 15% of our workforce on the day of the event...but NO ONE panicked or even worried about anything.

God showed up with PERFECT WEATHER to bless our prayers and planning.

We had 715 people at our event.

Our initial estimates are a minimum of 250 legitimate prospects as we feverishly work through the Connection Cards this morning.

Our event is totally paid for, with about $3,000 more than we needed to cover the costs, some of which we will use to expand our initial plans for follow-up.

Our morale was/is totally amazing throughout the entire church for the entire day until the last group left...after sitting around telling cool stories of what happened throughout the day.

While we were at it, God showed up in incredible ways at our Fishers church plant and our Hispanic church plant with record weekends for both!

Our teams were so thorough and amazing, that our property looks better than it does after a typical Sunday and the follow-up teams are busily working, while I thank God for everyone...and YOU.

Your systems aren't magic. They require a lot of work and attention. But mostly, your systems have helped us think through how we strategically partner with God to advance His Kingdom and enjoy the fruits of radically transformed lives.

Thanks isn't enough, but my thanks is genuine and deeply felt.

Dr. John Newland, Senior Pastor, Fall Creek Baptist Church, Indianapolis, I


Questions? Contact us @ +1 (561) 921-8488 or by email [email protected]

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