The Nelson Searcy Complete Library (Boxed CD Set) Save 75%

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Get the complete 26-resource package - all of Nelson's most powerful resources to help you maximize your ministry and accelerate your church growth! You get over $4,075.00 in resources - all for only $999 - you save 75%!

Whether you are new to the pastorate or looking to jump-start your ministry, this is the most comprehensive package you can get!

You will get ALL 26 of Nelson’s most powerful resources to help you maximize your ministry and accelerate your church growth!

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THE NEW ASSIMILATION SEMINAR: Everything you need to implement the Assimilation System in YOUR church!

THE STEWARDSHIP SEMINAR: Your people will grow spiritually as they learn and implement biblical stewardship.

THE EVANGELISM SEMINAR: The first step in reaching your community for Jesus is getting new people through the doors of your church.

LEADERSHIP SKILLS FOR A GROWING CHURCH: Grow in your leadership ability and develop the skills you need to lead at the next level.

THE MINISTRY SEMINAR: Learn how to have the maximum number of people involved in serving.

THE SMALL GROUPS SEMINAR: Build a Small Groups system to get your entire church involved.

THE WORSHIP PLANNING SEMINAR: Develop a worship planning system that improves communication, enhances creativity and honors Christ each and every Sunday.

THE STRATEGY SEMINAR: Learn the power of a plan that gets you from where you are to where God wants you to be!

PLANNING & LEADING EFFECTIVE MEETINGS: Develop a successful meeting schedule for your church and team that helps you keep people on the same page without overwhelming them.

THE BREAKING GROWTH BARRIERS WORKSHOP: Identify and break the nine most common growth barriers that all churches face (and keep on facing), regardless of size.

SECRETS OF EFFECTIVE DELEGATION: Empower others to share in your ministry growth!

FINISHING WELL: Overcome the hurdles and stumbling blocks that threaten your ministry.

THE STRESS MANAGEMENT SEMINAR: Nelson wants to help you take control TODAY through 10 best practices that he uses in daily ministry.

THE POWER OF THE SABBATH: Experience the blessing and peace of mind that comes with observing the Sabbath.

PRAYERWALKING YOUR COMMUNITY: This DVD gives you everything you need to start a Prayerwalking Ministry or conduct a widespread Prayerwalk of your community.

TIME MANAGEMENT FOR BUSY PASTORS: Imagine having 60 extra hours to focus on what’s important instead of always operating under the stress of the “urgent.”

DEVELOPING A ONE-YEAR PERSONAL GROWTH PLAN – REVISED AND UPDATED: Create an intentional plan that will ensure you are a better leader at the end of the year than when you began!

THE ENERGY MANAGEMENT SEMINAR: It’s something they don’t teach you in seminary – how to manage your energy while dealing with the day-to-day demands of ministry.

REACHING YOUR COMMUNITY THROUGH SERVANT EVANGELISM – UPDATED AND EXPANDED: Nelson wants to help your church grow and reach more people for Christ through one of the most powerful tools at your disposal – Servant Evangelism.

PLANNING A ONE-YEAR PREACHING CALENDAR: One of the most important ways to maximize your effectiveness and reduce your stress as pastors.

THE BIG DAY: Learn every step necessary to plan, implement and preserve the fruit of a successful Big Day.

DEBT-FREE PASTOR: FREE YOURSELF TO LEAD YOUR CHURCH: Join Nelson and Kelley Searcy in discovering a plan for you to live debt-free and honor God with your finances.

POSITIVE LIVING SERMON SERIES: This four-part sermon series from Nelson is based on Philippians 2, and uncovers the significance found in living a life of service to others.

STARTING A SECOND SERVICE: Nelson helps you think through everything you need to successfully start a second service and avoid the common pitfalls.

FASTING FOR SPIRITUAL BREAKTHROUGH: Fasting is one of our most powerful spiritual activities — learn the misconceptions of fasting, and how to do it effectively.

RELATIONSHIP RESCUE SERMON SERIES: This four-part sermon series from Nelson teaches on how to have successful relationships despite the problems that you encounter.