Maximizing Membership (Fully Downloadable Version) Save 56%

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Product Description

Do your church members know the benefits of membership? Do your church members know exactly what is expected of them? Do you have an effective, realistic plan to hold your members accountable for their commitments?

This practical, proven maximizing membership package assembles over 36 resources to help you plan, implement, follow up on, evaluate and improve your own three-hour maximized membership class. This comprehensive package includes:

Everything You Need to PLAN and PREPARE Your Three-Hour Maximized Membership Class

  • The complete 76-page Journey Church membership strategy
  • Fully-editable teachers notes
  • Breakdown of topics and class schedule
  • Promotion ideas that include:
    • Sample web sign-ups
    • Sample e-newsletter promotion
    • Brochures
    • Fully-editable signage
  • To-do lists
  • Phone script for final confirmation of those registered
  • Sample sermons to promote membership
  • Sermon transcript: A Place to Call Home
  • Audio sermon: A Place to Call Home
  • Sermon transcript: Finding Community
  • Audio sermon: Finding Community
  • Sample emails that include:
    • Class Invitation to church attenders
    • Emails to recruit members to serve
    • Reminder emails
    • Volunteer confirmation email

Everything You Need to CONDUCT Your Three-Hour, Maximized Membership Class

  • Fully-editable class PowerPoint
  • Fully-editable student notes
  • Membership application
  • Membership covenant
  • Sample auto-debit sign-up
  • Table Host guide
  • Sample history of the church video
  • Sample baptism video

Everything You Need to FOLLOW UP, EVALUATE and IMPROVE Your Three-Hour, Maximized Membership Class

  • Membership class certificates
  • Sample membership class debriefs
  • Notification of transfer of membership letter
  • Sample emails that include:
    • Follow-up emails to class no-shows
    • Congratulatory emails for those who make the membership commitment
    • Confirmation email for those being presented in main service
    • Follow-up email for those needing to sign the covenant
    • Follow-up email for those still needing to be baptized
    • Follow-up email for those needing to sign up to serve
  • Sample phone script to follow up members commitments to serve, give and participate in a small group

Questions? Contact us @ +1 (561) 921-8488 or by email [email protected]

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