Martin Luther's Marks of a Good Preacher (Downloadable) Save 56%

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Dear Pastor,

“I would not have preachers torment their hearers, and detain them with long and tedious preaching, for the delight of hearing vanishes therewith, and the preachers hurt themselves.” — Martin Luther

The Great Reformer, Martin Luther, had much to say about preaching, and rightly so — preaching four to six times per week! In total, he preached an estimated 4,000 sermons in his lifetime.

So . . . he may know a thing or two about preaching.

Good thing for us — 500 years ago his students captured his thoughts on the subject. While sitting around his dinner table, Luther was asked by one student: What makes a good preacher?

He listed off, without detail or commentary, a profound list of the marks of a good preacher.

Fast forward to today. After a decade-long study (and a full library of books collected!) of Luther's life and preaching, I decided to put together my own practical commentary and insights on Luther’s list.

This is the first time I’ve taught on what might be called the “art of preaching” and I think it’s a very important growth area for us to look at as pastors.

In fact, as I’ve worked with growing churches, I’ve discovered that preaching can be another growth barrier. If we never step back to evaluate and look for ways to improve we might, as Luther says, “torment” our people and do serious damage to our ministry growth!

I’d like to help you develop in this area — so it’s a tool for life change instead of a barrier to growth. In this brand new resource, I’ve taken Martin Luther's marks of a good preacher and brought them to life in the context of today's preaching, giving you practical examples of how you can improve your preaching and live up to such a high standard.

This resource is for anyone who is a student of preaching or for the preacher who desires to be just a little bit better!

Luther set the bar high but with even some small adjustments, you will see Sunday-to-Sunday improvement and greater life transformation . By engaging with this high-level training, recorded live at my private coaching event, you'll walk away with historically grounded yet imminently relevant new skills that you can use week after week.

Martin Luther’s Marks of a Good Preacher

Join Nelson Searcy for a very practical, very focused guide packed with tips and strategies to make immediate improvements to your weekly preaching!

Complete Pastor’s Kit including Audio Training, Leader’s Guide, Listener’s Guide, Transcript and More!

This new resource is filled with practical insights and action ideas to improve your life and leadership.

In this brand new pastor’s guide to avoiding burnout, you will discover:

  • Luther's specific Marks of a Great Preacher adapted to today's preaching context (#6 will surprise you!)
  • Insight into themind of one of the greatest preachers of all time (no, not Nelson Searcy...Martin Luther!)
  • The ONE thing you can do this Sunday (but most average preachers don't have the guts to do) that will dramatically improve your preaching!
  • How to overcome one of the biggest barriers to church growth that pastors often overlook!
  • 3 proven methods for developing your preaching ability
  • How to master the most important part of your message (don’t short-cut this critical process)
  • Luther's list of the Marks of a Great Preacher without reading his entire Table Talk book (let Nelson do the research for you!)
  • Which of Luther’s top sermons you MUST add to your preaching study list
  • Nelson’s suggested top books on preaching to inspire, guide and develop you in this ongoing journey
  • Tricks to improving your message memorization so you are not tied to your notes and can make a more powerful presentation!
  • New ideas that call for greater life transformation through your preaching
  • The weekly prep tool that will have the most dramatic effect on your preaching effectiveness
  • The best way to build your preaching authority and credibility with your congregation
  • Practical ways to develop and fine-tune your sermon delivery — including how to eliminate the all-too-common common crutches
  • The ultimate measuring stick of a sermon’s impact (don’t lose sight of this goal)
  • New tools for your preaching toolbox to help you become a master preacher
  • The secret to creating a sermon that will ring true for your listeners (the answer is NOT what you’d expect)
  • The humbling exercise you can — and should — integrate into your weekly preaching prep routine (you will see immediate improvement!)
  • What you MUST memorize above all else when it comes to your sermon message
  • What advance planning will really allow you to improve with your weekly sermons
  • How to maintain your enthusiasm and commitment to your ongoing preaching development
  • And much, much more!

BONUS: Includes additional resources on Luther and his preaching and worship service methods, plus book recommendations and even fun facts!

You know the power of the pulpit to transform lives. It’s a gift that God has given us. And we don’t want to take it lightly. As we improve at the pulpit, we will continue to grow and take our churches to the next level.

So I invite you to have a seat and join me and Luther at the dinner table today — let’s talk about this thing we do called preaching.

Your partner in ministry,




2 Hours of Audio Training on MP3 that you can transfer to your iTunes, MP3 player or listen online. 
FREE download with every CD order so you can listen immediately!



Complete Transcript of the training that you can save onto your computer or tablet and read in more depth after going through the audio training.



Student Guide with fill-in-the-blank notes in a convenient PDF format that you can print and use to follow along, or simply view on your computer or tablet for easy reference.



A Complete Leader's Guide so that you can take this workshop and train your staff, key leaders and volunteers. You'll have everything you need to lead this workshop in your church! 




As an exclusive special, when you secure this resource today you will receive four immediate bonuses!

UNstuck Sermon Series ($199.95 value) – Yours FREE!

An incredible bonus to complement your preaching resource — a FREE sermon series! In this six-part sermon series from Nelson Searcy, you’ll give your people the teaching and the tools they need to “move beyond mediocrity” and experience the abundant life. Show your people God’s plan for getting “unstuck” and the Biblical principles to experience the transformed life that God promises us in Christ! Messages address the areas of faith, finances, family, career, friendships and the future.

Bonus Martin Luther Resource Materials ($59.95 value) – Yours FREE!

Goes hand in hand with your audio training! Get a compilation of additional resources on Martin Luther and his preaching and worship service methods — hand-selected by Nelson. Plus, book recommendations for further reading and even some surprising fun facts about Luther!

Before You Step on Stage ($29.95 value) – Yours FREE!

What needs to happen in the 24 hours before you step on stage to deliver the sermon at your church's weekend service? In this very practical discussion, Nelson Searcy walks you through the four areas in which you MUST be prepared in order to give your very best before you step on stage every weekend.

Double the Effectiveness of Your Preaching E-book ($23.95 value) – Yours FREE!

Standing up to preach God’s word is a tremendous responsibility – not to be held lightly. As a teaching pastor, shouldn’t you do everything you can to be sure that you’re a good steward of every opportunity? In Nelson Searcy’s preaching e-book, you will learn a proven method — nine simple steps — to increase your effectiveness and give yourself more confidence each time you preach.

Questions? Contact us @ +1 (561) 921-8488 or by email [email protected]

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