Discovering Work-Life Harmony (Downloadable) Save 56%

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Product Description

Struggling to Find the Myth of Work-Life “Balance”? Stop Feeling Guilty and Start Achieving a Better-for-You Goal — Work-Life HARMONY!

Discover the dangers of pursuing a life of “balance” and how to exchange that for real joy that embraces the imperfections and challenges of a life in ministry. Pastor Kerrick Thomas shows you an alternative path that will leave you less stressed and more fulfilled every single day!

Brand New Powerful Leadership Training for Pastors to Energize and Inspire You in Your Ministry

Dear Pastor,

Which phrase most aptly describes the balance in your life right now?

a. My life is perfectly balanced between life and work.

b. I’m not stressed, get plenty of sleep and have plenty of time to get everything done.

c. I never feel guilty about not spending enough time with my family or not getting enough done at work.

d. Balance? I’m just trying not to freak out right now! AARRGH!

If your answer is closer to “d” – you’re not alone in ministry. That’s why we’ve put together a BRAND NEW RESOURCE just for you called …


See, most people (including pastors and church staff) struggle with finding the perfect balance between life and work. Between family and ministry. And it can be frustrating!

We spend our time at work feeling guilty and wishing we were at home. And we spend our time at home thinking about work and feeling guilty we aren’t getting more done for God.

And we pull our hair out trying to make everyone happy — trying to be the perfect spouse and parent — while also trying to fulfill our calling and be the perfect pastor.

But our society tells us that balance is just within reach. It’s pushed in our face every day that true happiness, success and fulfillment is ours when we find BALANCE.

But, have you noticed, this maddening pursuit of balance — it isn’t working. It’s just leaving us feeling more exhausted, more defeated and more guilty than ever before. And do you know why?

Because balance is BUNK!

The truth is your life isn’t balanced. And it never will be. You will never have a life that’s perfectly balanced between work and life.

Balance doesn’t work, and here’s why … because life happens!

Balance doesn’t work, and here’s why … because life happens!

  • The kids get sick.
  • A staff member quits.
  • Your roof gets a leak.
  • The car breaks down.
  • There’s a financial crisis at church.
  • You have a fight with your spouse.
  • Your back goes out and you miss a week of work.
  • Your church doubles in size (Praise God!) – but now you’re drowning.
  • You have two funerals and a wedding in one week.
  • You can fill in the blank from here …

But what if there was a better way? A better model?

See, Jesus didn’t promise a balanced life. Was Jesus’ life balanced? Was Paul’s life balanced?

What Jesus did promise was an abundant life. A fulfilled life. An effective life. He promises that when we are weary and carrying heavy burdens, He will give us rest.

That’s why we should set side our pursuit of BALANCE — and exchange it for the more fruitful and less stressful pursuit of HARMONY!


In this BRAND NEW RESOURCE from Kerrick Thomas — designed specifically for pastors and church staff — you will learn simple, practical and Biblical steps to find true HARMONY at home, at work and with yourself.

This is one of the most practical and needed resources that we’ve ever offered!

Kerrick was with me when we started The Journey Church in NYC 17 years ago. He serves as Executive Pastor at The Journey and is one of the primary leaders of our staff team.

During our time together, I’ve seen Kerrick model this concept of finding harmony in an unbalanced world for our staff as he leads our New York City campuses while living in Harlem with his wife of over 20 years (Lorie) and their 3 children. Trust me — his life is anything but balanced. But he and his family find joy and love and purpose in the imbalance!

In this resource you’ll learn from his experience and discover how to find harmony and embrace your imperfectly imbalanced life!

Complete Pastor’s Kit including Audio Training, Leader’s Guide, Listener’s Guide, Transcript and More!

Here’s just a sample of what you’ll learn in this one-of-a-kind leadership resource:

  • Why achieving balance between life and work is impossible and leads to underperformance at both home AND work.
  • How to find joy in life — even when life isn’t the way you want it to be.
  • How to embrace your imbalanced life!
  • Why ministry will NEVER be a 9-to-5 job.
  • How to be where your feet are — being fully present at home and at work.
  • How to avoid the GUILT of an imbalanced life — I feel guilty when I’m at work about not being at home. And I feel guilty at home about not being at work!
  • Why knowing your family’s LOVE LANGUAGES is so important.
  • How to schedule vacations and date nights well in advance for the peace-of-mind of your family.
  • Where you are truly irreplaceable (HINT: It isn’t at work!).
  • Why developing and keeping daily and weekly routines for your family is such an important anchor during the crazy busy times.
  • How to develop and effectively use a TO-DO LIST so you can make the most of your time at work and spend more time at home.
  • The best times to work outside of work so you bless instead of hurt your family.
  • The ONE thing you should never violate to achieve true harmony (and you will be tested on this weekly)!
  • How to make sure you don’t sacrifice important spiritual (Bible, prayer, tithing) and physical habits (sleep, exercise, diet) when life is hectic.
  • 3 time-management principles that will allow you to find harmony and limit chaos when life is crazy.
  • How to embrace, enjoy and energize your calling to serve Jesus in your church!
  • And much more!

Your partner in ministry,


Nelson Searcy


Almost 2 Hours of Audio Training on MP3 that you can transfer to your iTunes, MP3 player or listen online.
FREE download with every CD order so you can listen immediately!

Complete Transcript of the training that you can save onto your computer or tablet and read in more depth after going through the audio training.

Student Guide with fill-in-the-blank notes in a convenient PDF format that you can print and use to follow along, or simply view on your computer or tablet for easy reference.

A Complete Leader's Guide so that you can take this workshop and train your staff, key leaders and volunteers. You'll have everything you need to lead this workshop in your church!


Questions? Contact us @ +1 (561) 921-8488 or by email [email protected]

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